10 BEST Supplements To Build A BETTER Body!
Most of you know that Alpha used to be a personal trainer and owner of a fitness center. He also competed as a natural body builder, which he won Natural Nationals. Long before the personal training, he opened a chain of nutrition center. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro says that he knows more about nutrition, diet, fitness, and supplementation than style.
It’s him and a part of him — for a very long time. Starting to work out was the single best decision Alpha has made — it changed his life, and if you decide to do it, working out will change yours.
He’s honored and humbled to announce that BodyBuilding.com is the sponsor of this video.
For the past 18 years, BodyBuilding.com has been his personal to-go resource for everything fitness related.
Alpha details and emphasizes how it’s the best resource out there for fitness — and all the workouts and information are free! You can also research products and read authentic reviews. Their customer service is awesome, and their shipping is super fast.
Alpha’s 10 Favorite Supplements
1. Great multi-vitamin derived from whole food
2. Vitamin C
3. Omega 3
4. L-Arginine
5. ZMA = zinc, magnesium, + B6
6. Quadracarn (Alpha’s 2014 video Quadracarn | Awesome Fat Loss Supplement )
7. CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)
8. 100% Whey Protein (ON)
9. Pre-workout drink (GRIT)
10. Post-workout recovery cocktail (JYM)