by Barry Goss

The feminine energy is powerful, vital, full of life-giving empowerment and sacred talents.

This short film, made by Alexandra Feldner, is one of hope and inspiration to mesh, to align, with that truth.

And it reminds me of something else very encouraging.

Not only is it women who see the strength and power in “women,” it is ALSO intuitive, bighearted, creative, deeply-loving men.

Which is why I highly recommend you download Scott Brandon Hoffman’s poetic prose titled I See You…

Here’s a short excerpt —a tribute to any woman who feels underappreciated, unrecognized, or not deserving enough in any way:

I want you to ALWAYS know that:

You are ADORED,

You are HEARD.

You are HONORED.

You are LOVED.


You are SEEN.

You are ENOUGH.

Just..The Way…YOU…ARE.

There is nothing that you have to DO to be GOOD ENOUGH. You don’t have to become beautiful enough, Talented enough, thin enough, Young enough, Rich enough, or “whatever you think is lacking” because you’ve ALWAYS been GOOD ENOUGH, you’re ALREADY PERFECT, and you’re ALWAYS, ALWAYS DEEPLY LOVED.

To read Scott’s entire tribute, access I See You here…
