How to Become “Recession-Proof!”

We’re in the midst of a new era of work. No longer is it simply about “here’s my credentials, hire me!” It’s about, “Here’s a project, or idea, that I worked on with passion and creativity. If you want some of this valuable goodness, here’s what I propose!”

Seth Godin’s book, Poke The Box, is all about this idea —the appeal to do and live outside of what societal norms have told you should be doing.

And, recently we stumbled upon a great 16-minute presentation from 25-year old Charlie Hoehn, who at just 23 years old managed to figure out how to work with marketing god Seth Godin.

In the video, Charlie talks about the shift in thinking he went through, upon graduation, to take himself from an entitlement-minded graduate to a I’ve-got-to-prove-myself driven “free worker.”
